Can the performance characteristics of acid and alkali resistant packing tape
Can the performance characteristics of acid and alkali resistant packing tape - 2018
08 -
28 the performance characteristics of acid and alkali resistant packing tape should all is not very understanding, in today's content, small make up will be detailed to answer for you, hope can help you get help in the choose and buy products.
Characteristics: 1, used in low temperature
High temperature, 196 degrees, 300 degrees, has the climate resistance, anti-aging.
2, the viscosity: any material are difficult to stick.
Easy to clean.
3, chemical corrosion resistance, strong acid, strong alkali, corrosion of aqua regia and various kinds of organic solvents.
4, drug resistance, non-toxic.
Resistant to almost all drug items.
5, high insulation performance, uv protection, anti-static.
6, fire retardant.
7, easy to use, long service life.
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